02 july 2015
Interview of Stanislas Veillet, CEO of Biophytis on BFM Business (in French)
Interview of Stanislas Veillet, CEO of Biophytis on BFM Business (in French)
Major mobilisation at the SFO 2015 conference – the 121st Conference of the Société Française d’Ophtalmologie [French Society of Ophthalmology], from 9 to 12 May 2015, at the Palais des Congrès in Paris
Involvement in the 3ème Congrès francophone [3rd French-speaking conference] on assessing fragility in elderly subjects – “Prévention de la Dépendance – Rencontres Scientifiques sur la Sarcopénie” [The Prevention of Dependency – Scientific Fora on Sarcopenia] – Paris, 12 and 13 March 2015.