JUNE 30, 2022

Biophytis announces the drawing of the second tranche of ORNANE under the 2021 Atlas Contract for €4 million Biophytis announces the issuance of the 160 Bonds Redeemable in Cash and New and Existing Shares (ORNANE) for a total amount of €4 million under its existing convertible bond agreement with Atlas, a specialized investment fund based in New York (United States) for €32 million (the “2021 Atlas Contract”). On June 14, 2021, Biophytis announced a convertible line of €32 million from Atlas. The financing instrument allows the issuance of 1,280 ORNANE, at a par value of €25,000 each. The €32 million

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JUNE 27, 2022

Biophytis presents the development of Sarconeos (BIO101) in Phase 3 for the treatment of Sarcopenia at the 15th SCWD International Congress Biophytis announced that it is giving an oral presentation on the development of Sarconeos (BIO101) for the treatment of sarcopenia at the 15th International SCWD Congress (Society on Sarcopenia, Cachexia & Wasting disorders). This oral presentation given by Drs. Waly Dioh and Cendrine Tourette and entitled: “BIO101 in development for the treatment of Sarcopenia” summarises the major milestones in the development of Sarconeos (BIO101) that have already been achieved, mainly the results of the SARA-INT Phase 2 study as

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JUNE 22, 2022

Results of the Combined General Meeting on June 21, 2022 All ordinary and extraordinary resolutions presented by the company have been adopted Biophytis announces the approval by a very large majority of all resolutions presented by the company and falling within the remit of the Combined General Meeting. Thanks to the mobilization of shareholders, the CGM could be held on second call with a quorum of more than 23% of the shareholders present or represented. The 26 resolutions presented by the company were approved at a very large majority and were comprising, as an ordinary resolution, the approval of the

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JUNE 16, 2022

Biophytis announced that it is presenting new preclinical efficacy data for its product Sarconeos (BIO101) in SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) at the SMA Cure 2022 conference in Anaheim, California, USA on June 16-19, 2022. This oral presentation given by Dr. Cynthia Bézier and entitled: “COMBINATION OF BIO101 WITH ANTISENSE OLIGONUCLEOTIDE THERAPY DEMONSTRATES SYNERGISTIC BENEFICIAL EFFECTS IN SEVERE SMA-LIKE MICE” demonstrates, in a mouse model of SMA, the synergic effect of Sarconeos (BIO101) with antisense therapy. Stanislas Veillet, CEO of Biophytis, said: “We are very pleased to present this work to the SMA community. These new data highlight the full potential

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JUNE 3, 2022

Convening of Another Combined General Meeting at a Later Date Biophytis informs its shareholders that the combined Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on June 3, 2022 was unable to deliberate, as the required quorum was not reached. The shareholders taking part in the vote owned collectively 23 514 980 shares, or 15.45% of the share capital, and 16.19% of the voting rights. The 20% quorum necessary for holding an ordinary AGM on first call and the 25% quorum necessary for holding an extraordinary General Meeting on first call have not been reached. Therefore, in the absence of the quorum required

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MAY 12, 2022

Biophytis announces its participation at the BIO International Convention in San Diego from the 13th to the 16th of June Biophytis announces it will participate, represented by its CEO Stanislas Veillet and its Business Development Director Benoit Canolle, at the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) International Convention to be held in San Diego from the 13th to the 16th of June 2022, alongside thousands of world leaders in biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry. Biophytis’ participation in BIO is aligned with the Company’s strategy to partner with global or regional players to license and co-develop its core assets. More particularly, the Company

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APRIL 19, 2022

Biophytis presents Sarconeos (BIO101) Development Program in Sarcopenia at the 12th annual International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research (ICFSR) in Boston April 20-22, 2022 Biophytis announces it will present and discuss the results of Sarconeos (BIO101) development program in Sarcopenia at the 12th annual International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research (ICFSR) to be held virtually and on site in Boston from April 20 to April 22, 2022. ICFSR is the key international scientific event on Frailty and Sarcopenia and is attended by leading researchers, physicians and Biotech/Pharma in this field. On Friday 22, April, Cendrine Tourette, PhD (SARA

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APRIL 07, 2022

Biophytis announces its audited financial results for the year ended December 31, 2021, and provides updates on key operational achievements as well as perspectives for 2022 Success of Nasdaq IPO in February 2021 €23.9M of available cash on December 31 2021 and new financing instruments for a total of €42M allowing financial visibility beyond mid 2023 Strong growth of operational expenses to €26.8M, mainly reflecting clinical program advancement in COVID-19 (COVA) and in sarcopenia (SARA) Significant milestones reached for COVA and SARA allowing to prepare for future development of the programs Download the Press Release Fullscreen Mode

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APRIL 05, 2022

Biophytis is pleased to announce the appointment of Philippe Rousseau as Chief Financial Officer. He replaces Evelyne Nguyen who is leaving the company to pursue other projects, after having dedicated two years to its development. A strong experience in biotech and listed companies Philippe Rousseau has nearly 25 years of experience in the biotech industry in Europe and the US. Prior to joining Biophytis, Philippe Rousseau was Chief Operating Officer of Pherecydes Pharma, an antibacterial therapeutics development company for two years that he listed on Euronext Growth in 2021. He had also been deputy CEO of the Swiss biomarker and

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MARCH 16, 2022

Biophytis announces its participation to a Virtual Workshop the development of Function promoting therapies for the elderly, organized by the National Institute on Aging based in Baltimore, USA. Dr Waly Dioh, Chief Clinical Operations Officer of Biophytis, will present the progress of its drug candidate and will meet with public and private players as well as regulatory body representatives in the field of mobility for the elderly, all potential partners in the context of the upcoming start of Sarconeos (BIO 101) phase III in sarcopenia. The Workshop, named “Development of function promoting therapies: public health need, molecular targets, and drug

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